


What are the steps involved for coming into complete harmony with God? Does God require blood to be shed before He will forgive us? Did God cause His Son to be killed to pay our debt of sin? Why did Jesus compare Himself to being lifted up like the serpent made of brass? What is the significance of Moses striking the Rock when He was commanded to speak to it? If the human race was taken captive by Satan, who sets the ransom price for our release? Is Penal Substitution required for Salvation? Is the death of the Cross a Vicarious Atonement for our sins? Do the Christian churches teach the complete truth of the Atonement?

Canaan Conquest

This is the outreach edition of Serpent revealed in Canaan Conquest

How do we reconcile the wholesale slaughter of nations by Israel with the sword against the words of Christ?

Matthew 26:52 …for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.

Not only men, women and children also:

Deuteronomy 2:34  And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain:

Were the Israelites truly in tune with the character of God? Why were they regularly afraid that He had brought them out into the desert to kill them? Was the deep darkness that fell upon Abraham in any way related to his taking of the sword to save his nephew and family?

Did the slaughter of the Shechemites by Levi and Simeon have any influence on the vow of Israel to utterly destroy their enemies?

Do you need to know? If you didn’t might Christ come to you as He did to Jacob in His trouble and be perceived as an enemy? Only trusting in the mercy of God did Jacob overcome as the true Israel of God.

Divine Risk

For God so loved the world. So great was that love that He risked His most cherished treasure, His only begotten Son to save us.

Identity Wars

Identity Wars is a journey of self-discovery. It is an invitation to learn of your value in a purely relational context.

Our lives are bombarded with a constant drone of messages telling us that success only comes from proving to ourselves and the world that we have what it takes, that we have the right stuff. It is a system that teaches us to only feel valuable and important when we achieve and perform to a certain standard. The results of this system are in and the evidence is not good. Millions are depressed and 100's of people a day ending their lives in despair.

I invite you to learn the true nature of the war we are in - an identity war of what defines our value and worth. The stakes are high because it is life and death. This book contains my journey and the principles I learnt along the way. Freedom is a relative thing but this book documents my road to freedom.

Life Matters

Discover the secret of successful relationships. Trace the origin of the cause of so much sorrow and pain in our relationships and explore the relational freedom that comes from walking in the ways of God.