
How To Read The Bible Everyday

Posted Oct 26, 2024 by Bradley Robinson in General
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Many Christians who are sincere have desired to read the whole bible all the way through but have encountered roadblock after roadblock. Some have tried year long reading plans, some shorter reading plans. Some may not have thought of reading the entire bible, but desire to read maybe the old testament, or the new. Maybe others only wish they could read a single epistle, book or maybe even a few chapters. Some have used methods based on amount of chapters per day or pages to try and 'get through' the word. I have tried myself many of these aproaches. While some have given me some success, through trial and error and much prayer, I have found a method that works for me, and goes more with how we are programmed to learn and grow. I also stand upon the shoulders of men and women who have truly lived a life in the word of our great and glorious God, and through their experience have shown me a way that makes reading the bible fun, enjoyable, and downright satisfying to the soul, mind, heart; the part of you that makes you, well, you! I will share the tips and tricks that I have learned along the way in order for you to have a much more reading enriched life.

They way our brains have been designed to learn, is from the general to the specific. Not the other way around. I will give you an example of what I mean. When you watch a film for the first time, do you stop the film to study the scenes as the film plays out, or do you just watch the film? We would just watch the film. Stopping the movie constantly to study the scenes of a film we have never watched before would be confusing and counterintuitive for understanding the broader picture. We would have no scope as we analyzed scene by scene, in essence we would get lost in translation, or more accurately, lost in analyzation. Sure, we would learn a few details, but the details would make no sense to us at all because it would have no context, no scope. This is what I mean by the general to the specific. Watching the movie first would be the general and the most natural first step for our brains design. Then after having watched the movie maybe once, twice, or maybe more if you really enjoyed the film, then and only then could you begin to study the scenes for the details and the things you may have missed. This would be the specific. This may seem like common sense, yet this is exactly what we do with the bible. We study the scenes of a book without having any grasp of the broader picture. So in light of how our brains are designed to learn, I will now share with you some meaty tips for you to have an enjoyable, productive, and successful reading journey. Let's begin!

  1. Create A Reading Goal

This may seem simple, but this is your foundation. Choose what you would like to read. Would you like to read through the whole bible? A book or epistle? Maybe just a portion of the bible? Maybe a few chapters? It's your journey, so you decide what is best for you to start with.

       2. Find A Reading Plan You Like 

This step is more for those who desire to read through the whole bible, or for those who just want to read through the old or new testaments. Find a year long plan, a 6 month reading plan or whatever plan you like. There are plans for reading the bible chronologically or reading the bible in the order it comes. You choose what suits your style. I prefer to read chronologically as I love a good journey, and seeing the history of nations, empires, and God's people unfold according to historical timescales. The only downside to this style is sometimes you can jot around different books and for some people, that might not be good for their interest's sake. This step isnt neccesary, it can help some people to see what reading is coming up next. It is only a guide, it's not to be something that you try and follow to a tee every day. This is more for chronological bible readers.

      3. Set A Certain Period Of Time Aside Each Day

This step is crucial but is different for everyone. Look at your daily schedule and each day allot a certain timeframe for you to sit down, with no distractions, and read. You may only have 10 minutes a day spare, maybe more, but make sure you at least give yourself 10-15 minutes of reading time a day, as it takes about 10 minutes for your brain to enter into reading mode (reading mode is when you get into a book and you lose concept of time). If you're reading through the bible or a big portion of the bible, like the old or maybe just the new testament, start with day 1 of your reading plan. If you are reading just an epistle, then just start in the first chapter. Schedule your time block or time frame into your day. Maybe reading at night is easier, maybe the morning. It's your schedule, because its your life, and ultimately, your saga. Your Chronicle.

     4. Read For Time, Never For Content

That time you have allotted yourself for reading, and that time may differ each day, as each day can be different with it's own problems and obstacles of life, is now your time to be on your journey through the greatest adventure a book could ever offer you. Never try and read for content. You have your allotted time for a reason. Never worry about how much you read or what you are reading, just read for your time that has been scheduled and forget the rest.Those who have a reading plan, don't try and read just what's on day 1 and day 2 the next day, etc. Just read for your timeframe and use the plan you have chosen to guide you. Never be a slave to the reading plan! This is critical! Because that's when it will feel like a chore, because you have now decided to read a daily amount of content, then for a daily amount of time! It will be completely normal and okay to read a few days content of your reading plan in one reading session. That is the point. You are reading for a certain period of time, regardless of the content that the plan says to read each day. Remember its just a guide, nothing else! Reading plans will be more suited for those who are reading chronologically, if you are not reading chronologocially, then skip the reading plan altogether!

     5. Prayer

Never forget to pray before you begin your Bible reading. All those who read, who are trying to learn, grow and also trust in their Heavenly Father will have a target on their back. Many people read the Bible forgetting or maybe not even considering that there is an enemy. Someone who doesn't want you to figure out what is really going on in this world. 

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. -1 Peter 5:8,9

During your reading he may tempt you, distract you, even seduce you into doing something else. Something more 'entertaining'. All to take your mind away from the mind of Christ that dwells in the pages of the Book. When you feel this urge, this cloudiness of mind, confusion, or the seduction to pull your mind away, always remember that we have help and can receive this help by trusting in our Big Brother Jesus Christ.

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. -Mark 11:24

     6. Just Read

Enough said. Get after it. Enjoy it. 

I hope this helps you in your reading journey. May God Bless you richly.